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Music for a hypernormal world


An interstellar track that crashlands into the present, 2120 is a triumphant rocket fuelled escape from the claustrophobia of gravity..


How can we even imagine a future when the present is so bleak? The germination of this track began in the vacuum stasis of 2020 lockdown, 2120 is a rallying cry from the future to wake up the present. It’s a musical slap in the face to apathy and a sonic alarm clock for the senses. It’s irreverent. It’s urgent. It’s loud.


What the f*ck is real? 

Welcome to the rabbit hole…

From filtered glamorous selfies to QAnon conspiracists storming the capitol in Washington DC, sometimes it’s hard to know what’s real, what’s fiction and what’s just a bad dream.

TruAnon plays with this idea. Join us as we take information like a drug, a weapon and a tool to control the masses…to potentially devastating consequences.

Disclaimer: content contains images of a graphic nature and not suitable for all viewers. This video has been censored by other platforms.


We’re a London-based four piece band that came together to share a wild vision of progressive, omni-faceted noise loaded with invective, satire and ideas.

The music is a genre-splicing molotov cocktail of whip-smart electronics, razor-sharp rock dynamics, lysergic pop savvy and provocative lyrical substance. We chase sounds that are big enough to carry complex ideas, and accessible enough to sell them.

The live operation is now built and we’ll be playing throughout 2024. 

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this ain't art

Will be released into the wild at somepoint…if we’re not all dead by then.

talk to us..